Refreshment Stations

They give power and comfort: the refreshment stations of the Berlin Wall Walk

They are a distinctive characteristic of our Wall Race, the refreshment stations (VPs) along the 100-Mile course – and the starters of the Berlin Wall Walk can also enjoy the last 8 refreshment points. No matter if hosted by private people, close friends, clubs or companies – with dedication and a great portion of enthusiasm, every year they are part of the team every 5 to 9 kilometers, and cater fresh energy and a lot of motivation.


Refreshment Station (VP) Km VP closure
Start – Marktplatz Teltow 0,0 00:00 am (midnight)
VP 19 – Osdorfer Straße 6,5 02:00 am
VP 20 – Ninas Eltern 12,6 03:15 am
VP 21 – Buckow 21,1 04:50 am
VP 22 – Rudow 28,2 06:15 am
VP 23 – Johannisthaler Chaussee 34,1 07:30 am
VP 24 – Dammweg 39,7 08:30 am
VP 25 – East Side Gallery 45,4 09:45 am
VP 26 – Checkpoint Charlie 50,2 10:45 am
Finish – Erika-Hess-Stadion 56,0 12:00 pm (noon)

100 Meilen Berlin - Der Mauerweglauf |