As ultrarunners, we all know that obstacles can arise shortly before the finish that no one expected. In our case, that meant that a good week before the start we received news from the responsible district office that the Erika Hess Stadium, which had been promised to us for a long time, was not available due to construction work. But we wouldn’t be ultrarunners if we hadn’t found a new solution within two days, which we would like to present to you here. You will also receive all of this information when the start number is handed out and in the briefings – but here are the most important things so that you can prepare for it:
- The new start and destination is the Werner Kluge sports facility, Kühnemannstraße 70, 13409 Berlin, accessible by public transport S Bhf Wollankstr (S1, S25, S85, bus 250, 255, M27).
- The route shifts 8km in the running direction. A new overview of the cut-offs and the aid points can be found in the appendix. Here is the new track link: Berlin Wall Rache 2024 – NEW
- Due to the changed length of the relay sections, the 2-man and 4-man relays are also allowed to choose their change points freely, as was previously only the 10+ relays. The locations for the dropbags (Rowing Club Oberhavel, Sacrow, Teltow) remain the same.
- The memorial for the Wall victim Silvio Proksch will take place at the place where the start number is issued, as the originally planned memorial location is too close to the start.
- The route of the Berlin Wall Walk is slightly modified, is approx. 2km longer and has an additional refreshment point (see Appendix). Here is the new track link: Berlin Wall Walk 2024 – NEW
What do you have to do? Actually, not much, apart from remembering the new address, taking all the information with you when you get your start number and the briefing – and above all: look forward to the run.
At least we are really looking forward to seeing you!